Baduy Festival Breaks Weaving Record

oleh | Mar 21, 2017 | Agenda, Kampanye Publik, Pengorganisasian Masyarakat

Kanekes – The weavers in Kanekes Village, Leuwidamar Sub-district, Lebak Regency, Banten, today (4/11) broke the record for weaving which occurred in several places during the activity held in the Baduy Festival. According to the Village Head of Kanekes, Jaro Saija, there were more than 500 weavers that were spread across 65 sub-villages in the Kaneke Village area or what is often known as the area of the Baduy Indigenous Peoples. Baduy women and weaving are two things that cannot be separated. Weaving is a skill that is mandatory for Baduy women before they are married.

Baduy women weaving since childhood. (Photo: Indri Guli)

Baduy women weaving since childhood. (Photo: Indri Guli)

“The Baduy is a rich culture that exists in Banten, primarily in Lebak, and weaving is a product that we are proud of. The hope is that weaving and other products that are created by our people will be products that are known to society, even the world,” said the Lebak Regent, Iti Octavia Jayabaya, during a welcoming speech in the Baduy Festival.

The Baduy Festival is held by the Kanekes Village Government with the help of Rimbawan Muda Indonesia and supported by Kemitraan, The Asia Foundation, and the Ministry for Human Development and Culture through the Peduli Program. The activities lasted for three days in the area of Ciboleger terminal, which is the last stop for vehicles before entering the Kanekes Village region. The 7th Deputy of the Ministry for Human Development and Culture, I Nyoman Shuida, who attended the Baduy Festival, appreciated the seriousness of the Lebak Regency Government in supporting indigenous people.

“The Lebak Regency Government is very progressive and deserves to be appreciated for their concern towards indigenous people,” said Nyoman.

The Lebak Regency Government indeed possesses concern for the existence of indigenous people. Aside from the Local Regulation No. 13/1990 – regarding the Guidance and Development of Institutions for Baduy Indigenous Peoples in the Level II Region of the Lebak Regency – and the Local Regulation No. 3/2001 – regarding the Rights of Ulayat Baduy – the Lebak Regency Government have also issed a Local Regulation No. 8/2015 regarding the Recognition, Protection, and Empowerment of the People of Kasepuhan Indigenous Law in the year 2015.

“This is the first time that the Baduy Festival is held, hopefully it can continue and increase the awareness of society at large about the Baduy indigenous people,” said Sahdi Sutisna, the staff of the Division of the Empowerment of Communities RMI who was also the Chief Executive of the Activities in the Baduy Festival.

Penyerahan piagam pemecahan rekor menenun kepada Direktur RMI. (Foto: Indri Guli)

Presenting the certificate of breaking the weaving record to the Director of RMI. (Photo: Indri Guli)



Author        : Indri Guli (Knowledge Management Staff)
Translator : Amanda So