About RMI

RMI, The Indonesian Institute for Forest and Environment, is an independent and non-profit civil society organization that acts as a companion, partner, and collaborator with communities in managing natural resources inclusively and sustainably.

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VisionRMI The Indonesian Institute for Forest and Environment

The sovereignty of the people, women, and men over land and natural resources for sustainable livelihoods.


Enhancing meaningful participation and solidarity of rural-urban youth to address current and context-specific social and environmental issues.
Strengthening the identity, leadership, and solidarity of rural women for the protection, development, and utilization of natural and cultural resources.
Strengthening synergy within Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable access to and management of natural resources.
The realization of resilient organizational governance (reliable human resources, regenerative funding, accountable financial management, systematic work mechanisms) as a humane, learning, and transformative organization toward becoming a collaboration hub.

    RMI Value

    “RMI: United in Transparency, Non-Violence, Embracing Inclusivity, Building Participation, Strengthening Synergy, Upholding Tolerance, and Acting with Volunteerism.”








    RMI's Approach