Garden Yard of the Kasepuhan Karang Indigenous Forest

oleh | Nov 21, 2017 | Advokasi Kebijakan, Kampanye Publik, Pengelolaan Pengetahuan, Pengorganisasian Masyarakat

Author: Novytya A ( Knowledge Management Staff)

Translator: Amanda So


The use of yard was conducted by most of the people of Kapudang, Kasepuhan Karang to plant vegetables and medicinal plants. The practice of land use was done more than five years ago, in an effort to meet the needs of vegetables in the village. Thus affirmed by the head of RT Kampung Kapudang, Sapiin, at his home (Saturday, 14/10).

Kapudang Village is one of the villages that exists in the Jagaraksa village. This village is located 300m from the Cawisan Karang Forest. Most of the houses have plants tidily planted on a wood or bamboo. To continue the practice of this garden, the contribution of both women and men have equally important roles. Both of them will take care of the plants together. As for example, every morning, men would water the plants while the women prepare for food, whereas every afternoon women would water the plants while the men are still working in the field.

Citizens use organic fertilizers to take care of their plants. Using the mixture of charcoal, hay, and manure, they would process them into fertilizers.

RMI Bogor

Corn, kale, chilli, tomato, eggplant, long beans, cucumber, spinach, choy sum, beans, leek, galangal, cane eggs, and turmeric plants can be found in the citizens’ garden.

One of the citizens who take care of their gardens, Wati (25), said that the existence of this garden helps the women of Kapudang to obtain vegetables. Even now, the gardens of Kapudang becomes the role-model village in the Jagaraksa village.

“This garden has been a lot of help for us, we don’t need to buy vegetables and spices anymore,” said Wati.

Meanwhile, RMI’s staff of knowledge management, Slamet Widodo said to improve the residents’ ability in managing their garden yards, their involvement in training is necessary, either under RMI’s activities or outside.