oleh | Mar 25, 2013 | Advokasi Kebijakan, Kampanye Publik, Kebijakan Pengelolaan SDA yang Inklusif, Pengorganisasian Masyarakat

“Ulah ngawariskeun cai mata ka anak incu, wariskeun mata cai keur kahirupan sararea”

(Do not inherit tears for our children; inherit water sources for livelihood of the people)

That’s the principle of the people in the Padajaya Hamlet, Purwabakti Village, Pamijahan Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, associated with the management of forest resources in the region. Purwabakti Village is one of the villages of the five villages (Purasari Village – Bogor Regency, Cipeteuy Village – Sukabumi Regency, Kabandungan Village – Sukabumi Regency, Cihamerang village – Sukabumi Regency) which are included in the corridor area of Halimun Salak.

Corridor area of Halimun – Salak extended from West to East serves as a junction between the two ecosystems of Halimun and Salak Mountain. This area is critical to the survival of biodiversity as a medium for the spread of plant and animal crossings in both areas ecosystem. Corridor is also a source and a buffer of life for people living and interacting in it.

The corridor forest has biodiversity richness that has a major role for the continuity function of the forest. Based on data from National Park of Halimun Salak Mountain (2009), biodiversity of corridor forest consists of 280 species of flora and fauna (14 species of mammals and 66 species of birds). Protected and threatened species such as Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch), Surili (Presbytis commata), Javan Monkey (Trachypithecus auratus), Javan Eagle (Spizateus bartelsi), and the Javan Tiger (Panthera Pardus).

Related to the importance of the function of the Halimun – Salak corridor, people of Padajaya Hamlet are trying to improve and maintain the corridor forest which has been getting worse condition. Based on the classification of satellite imagery in 1990 – 2001, degraded corridor forest approximately 347,523 ha and width of the corridor narrows from 1.4 km to 0.7 km (Cahyadi, 2003 in Ecological Studies by Halimun Salak Mount National Park and JICA on 2006). The effect is decrease of the water sources for livelihoods.

Various attempts have been initiating by people on Padajaya Hamlet, such as the planting action that has been done since 2009. Since the end of 2012, through the Green Corridor Initiative Program, an effort that has been initiated by people is enhanced and supported by many parties/institution. Until the next 5 years, the people of Padajaya Hamlet – Purwabakti Village committed to restoration 200 ha in the corridor area. Beside the action of planting and nursery, people trying to improve their knowledge and skills through a Community’s Field School, participatory mapping and building water reservoir.

 Written by : Ratnasari