oleh admins | Apr 4, 2020 | Tak Berkategori
RMI adalah organisasi independen non profit yang berkantor di Bogor, Jawa Barat dan memiliki visi “terwujudnya kedaulatan rakyat, perempuan, dan laki-laki atas tanah dan kekayaan alam untuk mewujudkan sistem penghidupan berkelanjutan”. Informasi tentang RMI...
oleh admins | Apr 4, 2020 | Foto Cerita
An important issue facing indigenous communities today is the loss of customary spaces where people can gather, discuss and share their indigenous knowledge. Even formal education fails to accommodate local knowledge that is highly contextual and essential at...
oleh admins | Apr 3, 2020 | Foto Cerita
We think there are several things that, in our opinion, the Kasepuhan Pasir Eurih indigenous youth, become interesting experiences during our meaningful participation with Being and Becoming Indigenous program. First, the indigenous young generation has the...
oleh admins | Apr 2, 2020 | Foto Cerita
We have a dark history related to the practices of mining companies that destroy our nature and ecosystem, which greatly supports people’s agriculture, in addition to the fact that the areas being mined are cultural sites that have strong links to the...
oleh admins | Apr 1, 2020 | Foto Cerita
We are aware of the problem that young people are still rarely involved in many public programs and policies in the village. Young people are only seen as a group that has great energy so that they do enough to do heavy things when there is community service or...