There are 17,000 Watersheds in Indonesia. From that number, there are 108 critical Watersheds that must be restored.1
Within the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019, the government decided that 15 Watersheds are a national priority to be immediately restored. Citarum, Ciliwung, Cisadane, Serayu, Solo, and Brantas, Asahan Toba, Siak, Musi, Way SEkampung, Way Seputih, Moyo, Kapuas, Jeneberang and Saddang.
The Cisadane Watershed is located in Banten and West Java. It covers five administrative regions. It flows for 127.8km, starting from the head of the river in Mount Gede Pangrango, and ends in the Java Sea.
RMI, alongside seven organizations in seven Southeast Asian countries, created the idea of a joint campaign in relation to rivers: Our River Our Life (OROL). This campaign started in the year 2012.
In Indonesia, RMI appointed the Cisadane River as the object of the OROL campaign. A variety of activities have been conducted and a variety of data, facts, and opinions have also been rolled out.
Green Camp is a part of its series of activities with the main purpose to support public awareness. This activity focuses on targeting young people, because RMI believes that the young generation is an important actor within any movement for change. Change for the better.
Green Camp 2016, RMI invited Relawan4Life as the organizer. Relawan4Life is a youth community in Bogor that focuses on activities in issues of environment and education.
Green Camp is not just a camp for camping. For three days and two nights, the activities in this camp are very dense. Starting from discussions, social observations, looking at remains of history, playtime, and art performances.
Why do participants have to pay?
Indeed, the participants are required to pay a fee. This fund is actually a cross-subsidy for young people who have the spirit, but have economic limitations. This is so that all young people can have the same opportunity. There are also compensations for young people that are active in the community or in organizations.
Green Camp 2016 was held on 18th-20th of November 2016 at Ciaruteun, Ciampea, Bogor. The facilities that the participants received were: food, transportation (meeting point), t-shirts, and accommodation. The registration fee was Rp. 150,000/person. Those who are active in the community or an organization received a compensation of 50%. The form and registration instructions can be downloaded at: https//
The effort to restore the Cisadane River is not only the task of the government. All of us have a role to take part in the movement towards a better environment because Our River, Our Life. Green Camp 2016: Make Cisadane River Count!
For more information, please contact:
- Rahma – 0896 3947 0069 – [email protected]
- Sifu – 0857 7403 1800 – [email protected]