oleh admins | Sep 12, 2017 | Agenda
Piknik Kopi ☕ sambil jalan-jalan #NaikKeretaApi ke perbatasan Bogor – Sukabumi. Menyeruput secangkir #robusta #Ciwaluh langsung dari kebunnya, dan menikmati keindahan #Airterjun#Ciwaitali di Kampung Ciwaluh kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango Bogor. Biaya Rp 350.000...
oleh admins | Feb 2, 2017 | Agenda
Coffee Picnic is a short and relaxing escape from the busy city life. You’ll enjoy the lush of countryside filled with coffee trees in the forest-garden of villagers in the Ciwaluh Hamlet, side to side with the paddy fields and clean river of Cisadane. Apart...